We’re back online after the data loss. We lost every record from a bunch of databases when our host upgraded. I think I snagged all of the old posts from Google’s cache so I’ll begin back-posting when I have a moment.
Since I would have to reinstall the blog software anyways, I decided to drop Word Press and go with b2Evolution. I’ve been working with the b2Evo community for a project at work and the software is quite nice. It’s still technically in beta release, but the latests versions have some really cool stuff. Plus, since b2evolution supports multiple blogs under one installation I can house Sarah’s blog and mine under the same roof. I’ll be adding some for the kids as well.
And finally – the RSS feed address is changed. You can subscribe to Why, Blog, Why directly or use my new Feedburner URL.
More to come.
* This post was originally published on September 7, 2006 at http://www.csb7.com/blogs/whyblogwhy/2006/09/07/bootstraps/