About Me

Self portrait of Chris Bloom in Ålesund, Norway
Self portrait, Ålesund, Norway, 2023

I’m a parent, vegetarian, skeptic, humanist, nerd, and software developer living in Sarasota, Florida. I prefer he/him pronouns.

I’ve been developing web applications and desktop software professionally since 2000. My specialty and passion is developing the back-end systems that drive robust applications, both as a software programmer and as a consultant/analyst.

I am currently employed as a Senior Software Engineer with GitHub, where I help secure the software supply chain via my work on their advisory database and security advisories workflows. I am also a mentor and career coach, working primarily with early-stage engineers, particularly those with non-degree backgrounds or who have switched careers.

Most notably I’ve published and maintain a Ruby gem named Enumpath, spoken at several conferences, wrote two legacy Firefox extensions (links below), co-founded GamertagDatabase.com (I was interviewed about it on Xbox.com; we sold it in 2005), helped develop MyFamilyCanHelp.com which helped those displaced by Hurricane Katrina find temporary housing, and have made contributions to several open-source projects. I also founded two Internet technology networking groups – the Providence Web Development Lunch Hour Group in Providence, RI, and the similarly named Sarasota Web Development Meetup Group in Sarasota, FL.

I enjoy working as a contributing engineer, architect, or technical lead on long-­term software projects based around productivity and quality-of-life products. I prefer small, spirited teams working thoughtfully using Ruby, TDD and agile methodologies, ideally working with engineers that are passionate about their craft and proud of their product.

Elsewhere on the Internets

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A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice.

— Thomas Paine