Hello world!

Blogs, Web logs, journals and diaries. They’re redonkulous, I know. And why the world would ever need another, let alone one from an ADD affected mind like my own, I just don’t know. And so I ask: Why, Blog, Why?

Inside you will find the sort of musings that my friend AW might label “referential opacity and scope ambiguities” — that is to say a few random and empty comments about random and empty topics. Alas, that is the way my mind works. Besides, everyone needs a good public spot on the interweb to hang their inner most thoughts out in the sun shine. So, without further ado, let the public hangings commence.

PS: I spent alot of time researching bloging software (ok, 2 hours at most bestrewed throughout an entire month) and finally decided on WordPress based upon its cost (free!) and its simplicity to get up and running (5 minutes). If you’re looking for an easy way to add news, or as in my case mad ramblings, to your website this is the way to go.

* This post was originally published on October 29, 2004 at http://www.csb7.com/whyblogwhy/index.php/2004/10/29/hello-world/